Welcome to
Greater New York
North America, the area of
New York
New Jersey (all schools north of I-195)
Regional Contest Director Joe Terlizzi
- This year contestants will be required to bring their own laptop to the contest.
- Please install the contest image and connect.
- Installation instructions as well as how to contact for technical support can be found here: ImageBurnUSB
If you registered your team on the ICPC team registration site, and your team has been Accepted, you will receive an Email from John Buck with your Practice Contest credentials (as an attachment) within a day or so of being accepted. Your coach will also receive a copy the credentials as well.
If your team has been accepted, and it’s been more than 48 hours and you have not received your credentials Email, check your spam folder and check with your coach first. If you still have not received the Email, please let the RCD, Joe Terlizzi, know.
2024 – 2025 Contest Registration Information
Results from Sunday, November 17, 2024
Important Dates
- Contest Date: Sunday, November 10, 2024
- Registration opens on October 10, 2024
- Registration ends on TBD


- Microsite Rules can be found here: Microsite Rules
Location: Individual Microsites. (This year contestants will compete at their own University)
- A team can use their own laptop (no Macs) or a PC in a University Computer Lab (ask your coach about this first)
- Please install the contest image and connect.
- Installation instructions as well as how to contact for technical support can be found here: ImageBurnUSB
- A team photo is required (preferably including the coach and with the ICPC T-Shirts) the week before the contest. Please submit your photo here: Team Photo Upload
- Number of computers per team: 1
- Regional Contest Technical Notes
- World Finals Contest Environment
- You can find more contest rules here
- 09:30am – 10:00am: Gather for Zoom meeting Opening EAST Ceremony
- 10:00am – 10:30am: Opening Ceremony on Zoom
- 10:30am – 5:30pm: GNY Specific Q&A on Zoom/Support/Closing Ceremony GNY Zoom Support/Closing Ceremony/Resolver
- 11:00am – 4:00pm: Contest
- 04:00pm – 5:30pm: Closing Ceremony on Zoom
Team Name
- Each team name must consist of the institution name (greater than 1 character but less than or equal to 8 characters) followed by a hyphen (-) followed by a team name (greater than 0 characters but less than or equal to 24 characters). Please note that spaces are counted as characters.
INSTITUTION = University name or abbreviation. 1 < length(INSTITUTION ) <= 8.
TEAMNAME = Your team name. 1 <= length(TEAMNAME) <= 24.Each individual institution must use the same name for the INSTITUTION field.Eg. If Binghamton University sends multiple teams each team must fill in the INSTITUTION field with the same name.BU-TEAMNAME1
Billing and Fees
- The fee per team is $50
- Most first semester graduate students are allowed to participate. A team may be comprised of all first semester graduate students that meet eligibility requirements. If you have any questions about this please email the Contest Director
- For a complete list of rules and eligibility requirements, click here.
Practice Contest
- Each team will be required to participate in the ongoing practice contest.
- A link to the contest image will be emailed when available.
- Instructions to burn the image to an USB drive can be found here: ImageBurnUSB
- Each team will be assigned a login and password.
- Each team will be required to submit a correct and incorrect solution to a problem provided. This will help familiarize each team with the system and provide test data for the region.
- Failure to participate in one of the mock contests will result in a team receiving low priority should any technical issues arrise during the practice and/or actual contest on November 10.
If you are the First-time contestants create an account on the ICPC website here
If you are the Returning contestants make sure your ICPC profile information is up-to-date here (including shirt size)
If you are the Coaches, Once your contestants have accounts on the ICPC website, create your teams below the Register Now button
T-Shirts – Please make sure to fill out the correct sizes for yourself and your team. Shirts must be ordered weeks in advance